Car Detailing Cheshire


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Ceramic Coating Options

Contact Kustom Wizards

3 year Ceramic Coating from: £899

5 year Ceramic Coating from: £999

How we prepare your vehicle

Vehicle receives Decontamination Wash starting with alkaline based Citrus Pre-Wash, Snow Foamed, Wheels Washed, Bottom of the sills washed, Vehicle rinsed ready for the vehicle to be washed, Paintwork rinsed, Tar & Glue applied ready for the clay bar stage.

We then move into the Detailing Studio ready for the Paint Correction stage.

Paintwork is all cleaned down ready for the Paintwork to be primed ready for either Ceramic Coating or Graphene Coating.

Ceramic Top-up Yearly Service From £150

Vehicle receives Decontamination wash, paintwork Tar & Glued,
Ceramic boost coating applied to all paintwork, glass, wheels & plastic trim, interior is hoovered, interior trims wiped glass cleaned, tyres dressed.

Interior Ceramic Professional From £250

Interior Fabric Boost protects all your interior surfaces, such as fabric seats, carpets, leather & vinyl with a single professional coating.
Spills & stains clean up easily & quickly.

Wheel Ceramic Coating from £150

Wheels are removed for decontamination wash, wheels are then coated by spraying. We then heat cure them with an IR lamp.

Graphene Coating From: £1099

Vehicle receives Decontamination Wash starting with Citrus
Pre Wash alkaline based, Snow Foamed, Wheels Washed, Bottom of the sills washed, Vehicle rinsed ready for the vehicle to be washed, Paintwork rinsed, Tar & Glue applied ready for the clay bar stage.
We then move into the Detailing Studio ready for the Paint Correction stage.

Paintwork is all cleaned down ready for the Paintwork to be primed ready for either Ceramic Coating on Graphene Coating.